Monday, April 14, 2014

January Fun

Here is just a review of what we did in January.....just to see what we were up to!

God is Good

Bruce tried to cut off his finger...

5 stitches later

While Kentucky and Indiana were fighting snow...this was OUR snow cloud--HAHA!

Holiday lights in downtown San José

We were able to help out again at the Language School skits--always fun
I started running--again....
swimming in January!

Playing spies with Daddy

Leyton helping Daddy get ready for the Rio Azul church project

I received my footed pajamas with our home church team--and got to wear them!

Just because so many people love spiders--this is normal size for inside the house!

Our home church team "chillin'" in PriceSmart

Dinner outside in January as well.

The whole crew playing spies--with friends

In the background, you can see orange.  These are trees that bloom after Christmas and it is the only time that LOOKS LIKE fall--changing colors, but they are actually flowers.

Emme made some new friends with our second team

Our second team--Joshua Expeditions from California

Worked on a church in Rio Azul with our home church--lots of work!
Had some friends visit in Limon while they were on a cruise! Great time!
 Well, that was our life in pictures for January.  Hope you enjoyed!

Thank you to everyone reading this, praying, supporting and sharing!   We are so thankful for everyone!

The Crawfords