Thursday, June 5, 2014

5k Fundraiser and Soldiers for Jesus

Sunday May 25th was the first annual 5k/10k fundraiser for our home church here in Costa Rica-La Comunidad El Faro.  And it was a success!!

There were over 200 racers, which is pretty amazing, since there was another big race in downtown San José.

There was food, food and more food.  A mechanical bull, which Leyton LOVED, a jumpy house for the little ones and more food.

He rode the bull 3 times, that we paid for, then he turned on his red headed sweetness and rode it about 10 more times! He's so cute!

Emme liked the bull too!

All of the money raised went toward the funds for the roof over the multi purpose building--where we will be able to use the building for Sunday worship, sports outreach and many other uses.

Bruce had the idea of inviting the Soldiers for Jesus, a Christian motorcycle group to perform a show for the event.

Check out their website: Soldiers for Jesus

The event was awesome! The kids were waiting for the bikers to get there, and when they started rounding the corners toward the Abraham Project, you could hear the rumble of the motorcycles.

You could hear the rumble before you could even see them

...and coming....

Entering the cancha

Setting up in order

They revved their engines SUPER LOUD then started the program.
They had a "turtle race".  Slowest wins, without putting your feet down--super talented!

They did a burn out competition

Separated the kids in groups for water balloon/motorcycle jousting!

Did a little dancing with the kids
One of the bikers also shared his testimony.  Pretty cool coming from a biker who loves Christ!

Took all the kids, and some adults, for a ride around the cancha

Of course Emme got a ride

Leyton got a ride with Quique, our friend and brother in Christ
Overall, the day was amazing, with amazing food, great fellowship a new annual race and new friendships with some pretty cool biker dudes!

Of course, they asked when Bruce was going to get his bike--I mean they said he already had the beard for it!  Bruce was pretty much in moto heaven all day!

We are hoping to partner with Soldiers for Jesus in the future again.  They are wanting to volunteer at the Abraham Project and they are wanting to bring the President of the US chapter of Soldiers for Jesus when he is here in Costa Rica--AWESOME!

Maybe one day Bruce will be a Soldier for Jesus--and have a motorcycle!

As I said, all the money raised from this event is going towards putting on the roof.  If you would like to know more about this or how you can donate, please feel free to contact us:

Bruce and Angie Crawford-

The Crawfords

May Fun!!!

May was a great month! There were so many things happening, it is going to be hard to show it all through a lens, but here it goes!  Enjoy!

We finally got to meet our new neighbor, Sebastian.  Congrats Natalia and David!

Bruce went to the Championship soccer game Saprissa VS La Liga with Papi and Charlie--Saprissa won!!

They were in the rowdy section--yeah, those are flares!


Emme working on her research for her Science Project

This is me--I'm sick.  Bad stomach virus--total of 14 days before I started feeling better.
Part of my birthday surprise was a visit from my friend Sara.  She brought Five Guys.  They may have been 6 hours old--but WHATEV!!

Best cup of morning coffee in a long time!
Some of Sara's adventures.  Unfortunately I was sick the whole time she was here.  So we just hung out and relaxed at the house!

Surprise coffee with friends and family

It was a great time!

Birthday flowers from Steve and Georgiana
Birthday cupcakes from Natalia, David, Sofia and Sebastian! YUM!!

I had a wonderful birthday! Thanks to my husband for planning all of the details and thanks to Sara for making it extra special as our FIRST visitor in almost 2 years--means a lot to us!

We welcomed a Joshua Expeditions team from Texas.  They worked hard and got dirty!

Also worked with Steve Jr and his group from Riverstone church in GA.  Outreach childrens activity in Rio Azul

First time making PHO.  Anyone who knows us knows that THIS IS A BIGGGGG DEAL!

Bruce made a spear gun--it's for fishing of course.....

One day we came home to this....can't see it?

It's a horse!  Right at our gate.  Pretty sure it was a STRAY?? horse.

Bruce had the joy of waiting for a rat to come out of the rain tube.

He got it!

We have Franco jelly in our house.  If any one has been to Franco's you know THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!

Um, hi, my name is Leyton and I fell down--AGAIN!! He was good.  A bandaid on the hair--not so much a good idea....

First hard rain of the season on our new addition. Not bad

But the French drain worked wonders!

This is the second moth like this I have seen.  First was gray and pink, this one black and white.  I believe it is a peppered moth.

And this one brown with orange and black body--they are BEAUTIFUL! I believe this one is a Rustic Sphinx Moth

Second round of exams for Emme.  This time we introduced her to note cards!  She learned how to study on her own.

Her exam scores: 100-math, 100-Spanish, 96-Science, 93-Social Studies!  So proud of her!

Leyton and Pedrito playing on the trampoline!

Emme and Maite rollerblading and scootering

Emme picked up a traveling companion--she wants to have all the strays as pets!

Emme's Science Fair Project.  A guinea pig maze to see how they learn best--by smell was the result!

Yes, Emme was driving--well really steering--and only down the side road and into the Project parking lot!  HAHA her face!

Received gifts from our friends Jonathan and Amy! Emme made a plane with the Legos

Leyton was so excited to have more Legos!

The beautiful rain coming over the mountains.  JUST BEAUTIFUL!

Got to wear my Mother's Day gift for the 8th year in a row from a dear friend, Miako

I love how Leyton loves to work with the guys at the Project.  And they are so patient with him!

We added our privacy wall.  Way more sturdy than before

Took 4 men to set each of the panels in place
The finished result!  AWESOME!
El Faro Church (our home church here) had their first annual 5k/10k race.  They had about 200 runners!!

We also had Soldiers for Jesus close out the festivities!  The kids, and adults, really enjoyed the show and the testimonies.

Emme going for a ride!

Letyon going for a ride with Quique

Here is a panoramic of the event as it started! Notice the Soldiers for Jesus praying before the show! Awesome!

We were busy but blessed this past month.  And we only have God to thank.  He continues to bless us more than we even know.  Thank you for partnering with us--financially, in pray and by reading this blog to keep up with what is happening with us!

The Crawfords