Sunday, July 19, 2015

New City Church, Washington, DC

In June, we welcomed back a team from New City Church in Washington, DC.  This group is always a lot of fun because they come to serve in a different way based on the talents of their team.

Last year, they put on concerts of classical music.  This year there were three members who were high level black belt Taekwondo.  So this year they put on demonstrations of Taekwondo with the Children's homes, daycare and the Calle Mesen school.

The kids REALLY enjoyed it!

We always have a night of American cooked food made by the missionaries and later a night of traditional Korean food made by the team

The daycare waiting and watching the first demonstration

Explaining taekwondo to the kids

The demonstration begins
The kids were eager to participate

So cool!

Beginning the student involvement!

Korean night! So much food and OH SO GOOD!!!

Explaining and making sure there is enough for all of the gringos! We like to eat!!

Look at Pastor Paul!  We call this serving!

Come to the Abraham Project...we make our teams clean the floors on their hands and knees!

Leyton was super excited for his gift from the team--markers and a big book to color!  Thanks New City Church!
It is always great to welcome back teams again and again.  Especially seeing returning faces--but of course we LOVE meeting new people from the church as well!

Thanks again for everything New City Church!!

the crawfords

Saturday, July 18, 2015

A lesson on irony.....

First, before we talk about the lesson, let us take a look at what the definition of irony says, shall we??      






  • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.


    Thank you!

    Now, on with the story.....

    In May, both Emme and Leyton had to do Science Fair projects.  Now, let me back up a little bit to tell you how much I HATED SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS when I was in school.  I am sure my mother could tell you about how I waited till the night before to tell her I needed an experiment.  And in that day and age-- not quite back as far as the dinosaurs, but before the internet existed--yes, children I know, I am THAT old you couldn't just look up an idea.  You had to look in a book--an encyclopedia, or a science experiment book--or like me, you just made up anything!

    So, during those tormentuous (yes, I made that word up) years or Science Fair days, I was so happy when I was graduated and it was never forced on my again!




    Oh, this is where the lesson in irony begins....

    When Emme told me that she had to do a Science Fair Project, all of the emotions, pain, hate, anger, and bitterness of my own Science Fair days came flooding back.  But it was even worse...
    It was all in MY second language......


    Trying to figure out what all the words were, how to lay it out....that would be acceptable in Costa Rican school terms.....

    I seriously wanted to cry....
    Last year, Emme did a Science Fair Project with her guinea pig.  Of course, like her mother, she waited to the night before to tell me that she had to present the experiment....A maze.  So we made a maze and tested her hypothesis all in a matter of hours--Ooooo, true science!

    This year I vowed that we would do better.  This year she decided to do more of a research project about the Toucans that live in Costa Rica and how they are losing their habitat.  She did almost all of the research in class, except for the few things she had to research--4 pages HAND.WRITTEN of research--a whole TWO days before it was due....Oh, she is such MY child!!

    But we got it done!  She told me she had to do a poster board to show her research.  I asked her when it was due, she told me tomorrow.  So we went to the store and bought a poster board, printed some pictures, slapped on some glue and off she went.

    At the end of the day, she told me, "Oh, today wasn't the day to present the Science Fair, but since I had everything, my teacher let me.  So now when the rest of the kids have to do it, I don't have to!"  Whew! Done.

    A couple days later, Leyton's teacher sends home a note (Thursday) saying that he has to present a Science Fair Project the following Tuesday.....


    We luckily had a team here who shouted out several ideas--we decided on a topic, did the experiment and wrote up a poster board.  Luckily with his, he didn't have to write all the parts of the experiment (methodology, hypothesis, etc.)--I mean he is in KINDERGARTEN!!! UGH!

Super proud of him though! Not only did he have to understand the experiment, which we talked about in English, he also had to know it in Spanish.  He explained to several people the experiment in Spanish in a very clear, concise manner! And, he was super excited to present it and share it with his friends.

WHOO.HOO!!!  Science Fair Projects 2015 DONE!!!!!

Not quite.......


both of my kids won the Science Fair.....I seriously didn't know what to think or do--the emotions of happiness, pride, anger--LOATHING....

Not only did they win, but we had to REDO the poster boards to make them official.....

This was the judging at the School level.  IF they won, they would go to Tres Rios district level--


Thankfully, God was faithful and they did not win......

But hey, if this wasn't a lesson in irony, I don't know what is!

Until next year--and the next 11 years--Science Fair Projects!!!  

CURSE YOU!!!!!!!


May Fun!!!

May was the start of busy season for us!  We welcomed 4 teams and had a whole lot of
 fun with them!  Since this start of May, we have pretty much been non stop with teams and work!  Take a look at what we did! 

Cooper got a shaving and was cold all the time, so we decided to "dress" him!!

The missionaries got to help one of the workers put on an addition to his house because he was having a lot of problems with rain coming in the house.

Here is a view of his house from the other side.

Bruce got his moto wantsies out for a day, and Leyton got to go for a ride!
Emme got to go for a ride too!

I have finally take a picture of Emme's name.  It is the name of a tag group, so we see her name all over Costa Rica!

Second round of tests, and she made 100, 100, 100, 98!  Still so proud of how she is doing in all Spanish school!

Leaving your phone unattended......
Kenny and Lauren, the new intern coordinators


Our crazy director, Steve Thomas, had to get in on the fun!
 May 31, we had our second annual 5K/10K run to raise funds for the Abraham Project and the roof for the multipurpose building.  This second year was even bigger and it was a really good time!
The race flier

Leyton with his cool sun-visor

I ran the 5K race in 34minutes.  I also ran for my buddy Blake!  If you want to run 4 someone, check out: 

Bruce was famous for his smoker. 

Here was all the meat and baked beans they make for after the race.  Pulled pork sandwiches...can't get that too often here in Costa Rica

Bruce is in his element--showing his inventions off!!

Leyton riding the bull!

Emme on the bull!

The kids loved the Indian!!

Me, running!  Coming down the home stretch!

On Friday nights, we have a bible study--aka cell group.  This Friday night we heard the testimony of a mother who gave birth to a son.  During the delivery, she believes that Satan was the deliverer and tried to kill her baby.  The baby was born with many difficulties, specifically cerebral palsy.  But he has not only triumphed over his difficulties, he dances and worships God and shares his testimony as a way to give glory to God.  It was an amazing night. 


Bruce's pepper plant is producing a mountain of HOT HOT peppers!  He is so proud!!
May was also the month of Science Fair can read more in my other post about this adventure!!

Leyton with his first Science Fair Project.  He was so excited!!

This is a typical light post in Costa Rica.  There are too many wires to even know what to do with!!!  I am still surprised everything works or could be fixed!!
 Here is a look at the teams that joined us for the month of May.  We are so thankful for them and the work they did with us!

West Costa Church helped work in Rio Azul on our sister church.

West Coast Church, Florida
 Southwestern College, we go to check out some history of Costa Rica with this team.  Here is the picture of them with one of the historically famous granite spheres that are all over an island here in Costa Rica--it still is a mystery of how they got there and were so PERFECTLY round.....

Southwestern College, Discipleship Team, Kansas
We got to take the team to Orosi Valley and walked through the Tapantí National Forest.  We had a good time as a family!

 We welcomed our last Joshua Expeditions team.  A senior class trip! How awesome that they wanted to come WORK with us on their senior trip!

Joshua Expeditions team, First Coast, Florida
Riverstone Church went and spent half of the time in our (future) sister church in Guapiles.  They helped lay block to finish the walls of the church.  They had a great time and worked REALLY hard!

Riverstone Church, Georgia

The church before they started

On the way home from Guapiles, they saw this guy hanging out on one of the trees!  So cool, up and personal with a 3-toed sloth!

We are so thankful for all of our teams and everything they bring!
