Saturday, August 22, 2015

Heritage YouthNation, OH

In the middle of June, we welcomed a new church team, Heritage YouthNation from Washington Court House, OH.  This was a team that was brought to us by word of mouth--so glad that it happened!!

This team was awesome, but it didn't start out that way.  The devil was trying hard to not allow this team to come, to the point of 9 days before the trip we were still trying to nail down details.  However, we overcame with the help of Someone!

This youth team was down-right IT!!!  They came ready to serve, worked hard, played hard, made relationships and loved on everyone in their path.  This team was truly a blessing to us in more ways than one.

I have never met a team, that knowing NO Spanish (except for one lucky girl) worked so well with the language barrier issue.  It was truly inspiring for me to see that as it took me a lot of effort to get where I am at 3 years into this.  I had one girl who literally wrote a cheat sheet on her arm of all the Spanish phrases that I could teach her--and she used it!  Seriously says so much about the maturity (except for Gage) of this team--that says a lot for the youth pastor as well....

Check out their time here!

The TEAM!!!
The HOT PEPPERS were a theme for this team
The team hung out with the children's homes and did activities and played with the kids!

Hanging with the children's homes

Shooting balloons at people!

The rocket balloons used as muscles!

We also made them work!

Mother and daughter working on furniture


The whole group!

Gage working....sorta

Hanging with the workers

The team did a one day feeding ministry in La Carpio

Feeding ministry in La Carpio

Playing with the kids in La Carpio

Piggy back rides!


Hangin with the kids!

The team also hung out with our youth from the church! Lasting relationships and memories!

Got him to eat a was HOT!!!
Saturday night youth service

Soccer with the youth group

The ladies hanging out

The peppers--again!

Activities with the youth group

Another pepper

And they worked in the daycare!

3-4 year olds

2-3 year olds

The group with the kiddos

4-6 year olds

4-6 year olds

Activities outside!
Our Fun Day was in Arenal for ziplining and Baldi Hot Springs!

The slides

One of the hot pools

The hottest pool--Sauna

Dinner at the Hot Springs

We also took in the sites downtown!

Jump in!! Jumping rope with some street entertainers!
Downtown....only these two!

This team was also here during our scary concussion and hospital trip.  The team was so thoughtful and wrote notes to Leyton to feel better!  What a great group of kids!

All the get well notes to Leyton
We are so thankful for this group!  They definitely came willing to serve and build relationships!

Leaving their mark!

Thanks for everything Heritage YouthNation!  Y'all can come back ANYTIME!!!

the crawfords

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Dental Team, Morgan Dental, TX

In the beginning of June, we welcomed a dental team from Texas.  Dr. Mark Morgan and his assistant Brooksie, plus Dr Morgan's wife Dr Laura Morgan (orthodontist) and their three children- Luke, Kate and Amber.

We absolutely LOVED having a family to work together.  We did daycare, construction and anything else to spend time with them and the Costa Ricans!!

Emme and Leyton loved having some kids to play with and they played the whole time!   It is so refreshing when the kids are making connections as well.

Here is a look at what they did.

You can also click on the Shutterfly link below to see all of the pictures!

Dr. Mark Morgan, Texas

The Morgan family and Brooksie

Brooksie being herself!

Hanging out with Kate and Amber in the daycare!

Playing with the kids at the playground

Do activities with the kids

Luke and Macha--everyone LOVES Macha

Dr. Laura got her hands dirty with Bruce

Yep, she's awesome!

The basically finished product! Way to go Dr Laura!

Steve Jr, Dr. Mark and Brooksie

Emme and Leyton playing wall ball with Kate and Luke

Dr. Morgan (squared)

The whole group!  It was really sunny!

Working hard

Luke got to spend the week doing manual labor with Francisco

Dr Mark and Dr Melania

Again, Brooksie doing what she does best

Some of the work done!

We were all invited by Dr Morgan to go to dinner.  It was a GREAT time!

As I believe with my whole heart, "a family that serves together, stays together"

Thank you for being an awesome family that serves together and spent your family time with us at the Abraham Project!

the crawfords