Thursday, August 31, 2017

June Fun!

Here is a look at our crazy life through pictures...the month of JUNE!


At the beginning of June, we welcomed Alex and intern who stayed with us for about 6 1/2 weeks. She came down to help us with the kids during busy team season.  It was nice having another set of hands and getting to know her better! The kids loved having a "big sister"
Alex and Bruce at La Carpio

Bruce helped a huge project at another church with several teams. He helped build the beginning steps of classrooms for a church up in Platanaras.

Bruce got to play with the backhoe

Digging the footer

Some of our team went up to help
 The puppy is growing....

Look how big he has gotten!

So big! Wearing clothes (it's a build-a-bear shirt!)
While dropping a team off at Franco's there was a festival...

The team was a little concerned with all these masks!
 We welcomed a total of 4 teams in 4 weeks! (One team not pictured)

Mt. Pisgah, Atlanta, GA

Riverstone Youth, Atlanta, GA

Scheduling Institute, Atlanta, GA

and then we lived life too....

Bruce and Leyton got to go on an outing together with a team fun day trip
 I got my phone ran over--therefore the lack of many many pictures
Although I lost all my pictures, it was a blessing indisguise

One of the many who helped us raise money for our truck, got to drive it while he was here!

Alex got her hair undercut before she left!

One of my birthday presents--love this shirt!
One more trip up to Platanaras church to finish the pre-work before the team came in July.

The floor is ready to be poured

Our team and interns that went to help!

And poured the floor!

Two things that God put on my heart and spoke to me over the past few months:

This one hits home every time I read it. Because every time I read it, He is doing a different work in me.

No caption needed...
Thank you to everyone....

the crawfords

May Fun!!!!

So May was just the beginning of the craziness we shall call 2017 Busy Team Season--where we almost died....ok, not really, but hold onto your bonnets--it's gonna get busy!

Here is our life through pictures--May!

We decided to have a work day on Saturday when the daycare was closed. Even Natalia (Macha) came out to help!
Macha mowing

Me, doin' werk

In May, the 3 crosses were completed and put up

I must'ache you a question
Bruce and I got to help out our Language School with one of their skits for new incoming missionary students!

We found crescent rolls and mini wiennies at PriceSmart! SCORE!
Always time for pigs in a blanket!
Also in May, we received a new member of the family--unplanned.  This is Miles. We got him when he was about 3-4 weeks old (he had hardly any teeth). When we got him, he was living in a cage with a chicken and a rabbit and our friends rescued him. Basically the owners' dog got pregnant, this was the only pup--or only pup to survive--and they didn't want it, just waiting for it to die. So we got him. He was SOOO tiny only weighing 600grams! He also came with 3 different parasites--one being normally found in horses.  The vet couldn't guarantee he would make it, but he did! Here are some pictures of him and our first pup, Cooper.  Cooper is a teacup poodle only weighing like 5lbs max. You can see HOW tiny Miles was when we first got him.

The first night we had him


Look how tiny

Leyton was in love!

Being a puppy is hard work!

He is so cute!
May also brought teams.  We welcomed several Joshua Expedition teams!

Cornerstone, Bellevue, Nebraska

JE Team- Cypress, Houston, TX

JE Team- Trinity Loganville, Loganville, GA

And more teams!
My Canvas Church, Knoxville, TN
The River Community Church, Cookeville, TN

Leyton had to draw pictures of his family tree members (so sweet!):

This is Mimi (My mom) in her wheelchair (this was the last time that Leyton saw her after her surgery)

Papa (my dad)

Grandma (Bruce's mom) with her oxygen tank

And Grandpa (Bruce's dad) He doesn't know what he looks like because he passed away before Leyton was born.

May 19th was my 40th birthday and we celebrated by working with a team, dinner and Starbucks afterwards!
They spelled both our names right!

And so it begins....both--worse than kids, can't even go to the bathroom alone.....
In May we also had our intern, Savannah, return for a visit before she continued on to South America for study. It was great having her here again--like she never left!
We went to Grecia to the Bosque del Niño (Children's Forest)

Savannah and I at the waterfall

Our sweet family

Bruce and I

Natalia, David, Sofia, Sebastian, Savannah and Madeline
Walking through the forest

Dinner with Natalia and Savannah!

Puppies learn fast--sleep with mama!
May was a very strange month for weather in Costa Rica as well.  Super rainy, volcanoes and earthquakes (that is the normal part!)

So much rain caused one of the churches we had been working with to lose part of their building. Then the following year, so much rain washed out more mud from under the church causing the road to "flood" with mud.
Where the church lost their building and the temporary retaining wall we helped build

When the temp wall fell all the mud behind it fell and covered the streets and into neighbors' houses.

Volcano Poas (we used to take teams here all the time--now it is closed indefinitely)

Volcano Turrialba (this one has been exploding on and off for about 1 1/2 years

Volcano Rincon de la Vieja (this is newest one exploding and farthest away from us)
 So much rain in May that this happened: (this is NOT a satirical news site)

End of May was also our annual 5K/10K run for the Abraham Project

Bruce with the famous "Indian" runner

We were so excited to receive our new Southside T-shirts- new branding--same church family!

Thank you to everyone who has followed us, loved on us, served with us and supported us!

the crawfords