Check out our life in January through pictures! ENJOY!!
Bruce and Kristin after the half marathon in Georgia! |
After we got back to Costa Rica, I had my bottom braces put can only get better from here!
looks different with bottoms on! |
In January we welcomed one team from Love and Truth Church, TN!
The team on top of the second level in one of the houses on Phase 2! |
With the kids still out of school in January, they got to help us in the daycare with the team!
Emme working hard interpreting! |
Leyton working hard watching Eliel move a sawhorse! |
Josue and Leyton got to work together on Phase 2 as well--we love vacation time!
"Working" hard--they were making a bunker! |
Riding their bikes all over Phase 2 |
We also got to go to La Paz Waterfall Gardens as a family with the team!
Leyton at the waterfall--he was falling in! |
Emme at the waterfall |
Young love!! |
Now that's just cool! |
I got to hold this little dude! First time! So cool! |
Leyton got connected with Payton from the team--he was sad to see him go, but hopefully they will get to catch up and talk all things Minecraft again!
Leyton and Payton |
Bruce got to cook on his happy!
Mmmm....chicken! |
Leyton climbing the pole at Jiu-Jitsu |
Love this puppy! |
So excited to be back to teams and working in the daycare....I mean....look at these cuties!
My first graders! |
Thank you for all your love and support!
the crawfords