Friday, August 23, 2013

Laundry in Rainy Season....

Although I am behind on many, MANY posts.  One thing I am learning is how to do laundry in rainy season in Costa Rica.

For the past year, our landlord has washed our laundry, and it was one less thing for me to have to worry about.  But since moving to the new house, laundry is something I actually missed doing--I know, not many people ever say that, and it won't be too long before I change my mind.

However, we have our own washer and dryer--PRAISE THE LORD, but we are trying to save energy and use the sun as much as possible, and so far it has been pretty good.  I have probably done at least 10 loads since we have moved here a week ago.  A lot of it was blankets, pillow, stuffed animals, etc.

But today was pretty comical.  Started the laundry early--8:30am or so, got it hung on the line, in the beautiful sun--kids were playing outside, and Bruce was starting to make something....

Then as soon as I hung the laundry, the clouds rolled in....and then sprinkles...

So I took all the laundry down and hung in under the pila area (covered laundry area outside). 

About 30 minutes later, the sun was out I moved the laundry back on the lines in the yard...

10 minutes later.....sprinkles....ugh--half the laundry inside on chairs, and the other half under the pila

Of course, the rain stopped again, but no sun.

I kept the laundry where it was and within 20 minutes, it started raining harder--whew!

I'm exhausted and my laundry is still wet!

Oh well, wait for tomorrow!

My mantra is, I love rainy season, I love rainy season, I love rainy many times do you have to say something to start believing it!!??

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible to have a line that is on a pully system that can reel all your clothes between the sun and the pila? Planned on talking to you about this idea when we see you, but figured I'd post this in case I forget.
