Monday, May 19, 2014

Living Hope Baptist Church, Bowling Green, KY

The first week of April, we welcomed a returning church from Bowling Green, KY, Living Hope Baptist Church.  This is a team that has been coming down to Costa Rica and partnering with the Abraham Project for around 10 years.  They are always such a blessing, and it was even better because we were able to lead this team.

The team was challenged with a "special project" to put a roof on our sister church in Rio Azul.  This was a MUCH needed roof and LHBC accepted the challenge with full force.  The several teams that we had before LHBC worked on cleaning and painting and prepping all of the trusses that would be made and placed before the team arrived.  Therefore, they needed to complete the electrical, mounting the trusses, mounting all of the cross bars and placing metal roofing on roof and back wall of church--in 4 DAYS--and with only half of their team!  The other half worked at the Project with me doing maintenance--painting, painting and more painting.  We were trying to get the painting done before rainy season!

Here is a look into their week:

The made made trusses

The before roof--wood, trees and other stuff held it up!

Day 1 roof off

Steve Thomas looking like he knows something about electricity!

The 12 meter (approx 36 foot) long trusses making it up the narrow hilly roads to the church!

This is Lester.  He goes to this church and is always at the church when there is a team! He helped the team and LOVED the power tools!

First truss set in place--call it a practice run!

Team arrived and attended the Sunday service--it was quite the animated service!
After the service, they had an egg hunt for the children in the homes

Getting ready to enjoy lunch with the children and the team

Looking for the eggs!

The kids in the homes love looking for the eggs (even with her faced blocked out, for security reasons, you can tell she is smiling!)

Half of the team worked on the roof and electrical in Rio Azul--our sister church.  Here is what they did....more or less.  A lot of work in just 4 days!!  
Electrical work with Sam and his daughter Sarah-- working up high!

Eliel and Bruce did a lot of the welding--they are sitting on 4-6 inch round tube--ALL DAY--but look at the view!

Getting all the trusses and cross bars mounted

Putting on the roofing

Nora--laying down on the job--just kidding! She is under there painting away!

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Preparing all of the gift bags for the kids to give out at the spaghetti dinner night

The ladies taking a break!

All ready for the night of spaghetti and worship

Taking in the scene

Finishing up the roof--or hanging on for dear life!

The kids came with us on the last day of work at Rio Azul, they played in the dirt!

Kids playing games with some of the kids from the church

Again, Steve and the electrical!  Finishing up!

Our lovely ladies who provided food for the team all week

Final day, sharing, eating, and enjoying the fellowship!

Crazy kids!

Back wall being complete! GO KATE!

Nora finding the kids and loving on them, what she does best--and painting!

Group went to Tortuga Island.  After lunch, we chilled in the hammocks!

The kids LOVED the little pools on the catamaran boat!
Bus broke down on the side of the mountain in the pitch black night. We were stranded for about 2 hours--but we eventually made it home!
This was an awesome team, as always, and we were so blessed to be able to lead them.  We are so glad that they come back often and they bless us, the church, the daycare and the community every time!  We look forward to their return!!

Thanks Living Hope Baptist Church!!!

The Crawfords

Joshua Expeditions Team #4- Texas

 March 12-13 we welcomed a team from Joshua Expeditions from the Dallas Texas area.  There was a total of 40 members and chaperones. And this was the first time that we had a JE team for more than one day.

The students were great and worked really hard.  They were moving stuff, prepping, cleaning and painting tubes, helping out in the kitchen, and doing activities with the daycare kids.

This was such a great group and although I don't have a lot of pictures of them working--they were such a blessing to the Abraham Project, the daycare kids and to us!  It is so encouraging to see these young, well mannered youth working for the kingdom!

Here is the group of 40!

This was my breakfast.....I needed the energy!

Here are some of the team setting up for the activity with the day care kids!  They did a really good job!

Here are two of the ladies that got to help prep in the kitchen for daycare!  They really enjoyed themselves!

The team worked mostly on painting the tubes for the church.  And although some of the time (alright, ALL of the time) felt like busy work, the tubes were going for a very, VERY important job--a new roof for our sister church in Rio Azul.

Know that your boring, tedious work went to an area that needed the hand of God...thank you for being the means of making it happen!

Here is the former roof of the church in Rio Azul

And here is the new roof (not yet finished, but AMAZING)
Thank you for your work and your service to the Abraham Project and Costa Rica!

The Crawfords

Joshua Expeditions Team #3- Texas

March 6 we welcomed a team from Texas with around 80 people!!!  Not going to lie, we were a little intimidated with this many people all at once and high school students.  But this was an amazing group and they worked hard and we were able to complete a lot of work.  What a great group of students! 
Here is the whole group! SHEW!

Playing soccer during break!

Prepping the poles that will be used in the Rio Azul church roof

Sanding the outside property fence--we made them feel like prisoners

But I think they enjoyed it!


Until they saw how much fencing needed to be sanded

Then they looked sad!

Repainted the back wall

Did some cleaning on the childrens' homes

They stretched

and rolled

And tore down a building

Cleaned, sanded and got really, REALLY dirty

And had fun breaking down a wall

But in the end, we made new friends and enjoyed serving with them!

Know that your boring, tedious work went to an area that needed the hand of God...thank you for being the means of making it happen!
Here is the former roof of the church in Rio Azul

And here is the new roof (not yet finished, but AMAZING)

We were so thankful for this high school!  They were such amazing students.  Their school should be proud; they represented them very well and became servant's hands and feet!

The Crawfords