Monday, May 19, 2014

Joshua Expeditions Team #4- Texas

 March 12-13 we welcomed a team from Joshua Expeditions from the Dallas Texas area.  There was a total of 40 members and chaperones. And this was the first time that we had a JE team for more than one day.

The students were great and worked really hard.  They were moving stuff, prepping, cleaning and painting tubes, helping out in the kitchen, and doing activities with the daycare kids.

This was such a great group and although I don't have a lot of pictures of them working--they were such a blessing to the Abraham Project, the daycare kids and to us!  It is so encouraging to see these young, well mannered youth working for the kingdom!

Here is the group of 40!

This was my breakfast.....I needed the energy!

Here are some of the team setting up for the activity with the day care kids!  They did a really good job!

Here are two of the ladies that got to help prep in the kitchen for daycare!  They really enjoyed themselves!

The team worked mostly on painting the tubes for the church.  And although some of the time (alright, ALL of the time) felt like busy work, the tubes were going for a very, VERY important job--a new roof for our sister church in Rio Azul.

Know that your boring, tedious work went to an area that needed the hand of God...thank you for being the means of making it happen!

Here is the former roof of the church in Rio Azul

And here is the new roof (not yet finished, but AMAZING)
Thank you for your work and your service to the Abraham Project and Costa Rica!

The Crawfords

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