Thursday, April 2, 2015

TTW team-Eastern Christian High School- NJ

Last week we welcomed a team from Eastern Christian High School in New Jersey.  They were through another organization called Touch the World.

Touch the World

This was the first time that we welcomed a team from TTW but they had been here in the past and the coordinator for TTW was an intern here at the Abraham Project, so it was great to connect with her and knowing so much about the AP and Costa Rica already.

This was also the first team that I, Angie, ran completely by myself.  From planning to coordinating to reserving and working the whole time--I was pooped! Bruce of course worked with me, but I was the go-to person.  It is a lot of work and it is nice when I am NOT the go-to person.  Sometimes it is just too hard to be wife, mom, worker, coordinator, and with this team, nurse.  Unfortunately, we were all sick during this team.

I was sick on Saturday, the day the team was supposed to arrive, but thank goodness, there was snow on the ground in New Jersey and mechanical problems with the plane and the team was delayed about 6-8 hours.  Not good for them, but good for us!  The arrived about 10pm and by Sunday, I was up and moving again.
On Monday, Bruce was down and I also received a phone call from Leyton's teacher.  He was sick.  I was getting ready to go into the classroom to start daycare rotations and Bruce was starting the team on construction.  Steve Jr, who normally would be there to help was out of the country.  So Bruce went and got Leyton and he stayed at the office.  On Tuesday, Emme was sick. So both Emme and Leyton had to hang out at the office while Bruce and I worked all day.  This is one of the downsides to not having extended family to watch sick kids.  But we toughed through it.  Not only were we sick, but Emme also had exams that week.  We had 2 teams back to back, sickness and first trimester say we were stressed, was an understatement.

But, God in His faithfulness, provided.  One of the team members studied with Emme while she was at the office, and the team was SUPER flexible and understanding.  We pushed through and came out on top!  So thankful for how TTW prepared this team! They were ready to work and rolled with the punches.

Here are some pictures from their week: ENJOY!

Team picture-Dinner at our house

Lunch after church with the children's homes

Cell group

Team picture on first day of work

Working with the daycare classes

Helping move ramps for the skateboard ministry

Bruce using his super powers

A night of worship!

Swinging a pick-axe



Painting scaffolding

Happy group sanding the scaffolding

The BELOVED bakery!!
 Working in the daycare classes!

Helping Emme study for her takes a village.....

Folding newsletters!

Separating donations

Dropping off donation to the daycare

Donations to the dental clinic

Donations to Mommy and Me and Heather Espinoza

Helping set up for Mommy and Me

Baking cookies with grandma Connie
 This team was also the first team that we took to La Carpio for the feeding ministry at a local church.  We are so excited to partner with Pastor James and his wife Christina in their ministry serving this needy area.

The kitchen where lunch is prepared for between 60-120 children

Serving lunch

Songs and dancing after lunch

Face painting

Painting activity

Balloon animals


 Some of the sweet faces the team served.

Even the team got painted!

After La Carpio, we went downtown to walk around and get POPS!

Playing with the kids before dinner

Dinner in the children's homes.  They cooked dinner for the houses!

 Their fun day consisted of La Paz Waterfall gardens!  Perfect Day!

The guys on the team

The girls!
Sherri and I at the waterfalls

Got to get über close to the river

On the bus!

Impromptu team photo!

Then after all their work and service, they continued to serve us.  This is an example of pouring into missionaries.  They wrote notes to us...some of them to EACH of us--including the kids.  Each letter was a heart-felt thank you and talked about how God moved in their lives. Not only the notes, but they also gave us a gift as a family.  These kids are thoughtful and I'm not sure if they know how much the letters meant to us.....this was a blessing!



the crawfords

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