Monday, June 27, 2016

May Fun, 2016!

Here is a little bit of what May looked like!

Our life through photos.....  ENJOY!

In May we only welcomed 2 one day teams.  But boy did we put them to work!  Having May as a prep month was very nice going into busy season.
Cypress Christian School from Houston, TX

Hillcrest High School, Los Angeles, CA

Bruce went to the States with Steve, director of the Children's Homes and they drove A LOT but also got to have some fun.

Courtesy of Joshua Expeditions, they got to enjoy a Texas Rangers baseball game

On their way through Atlanta, they got to see Savannah, our intern.
 This is what me and the kids thought about only Bruce seeing Savannah....

Eliel out practicing driving!
 Just a normal day for Leyton....

He thinks he is special to climb the roof

It was too hot in the sun!

Every morning this dog loves to go back to bed with Leyton, until it is time to get him up for school!

Putting the truck to use....again!
 Our backhoe that the Abraham Project bought was being loaded up to go and help another ministry.  That, my friend, is AWESOME.  By the way, we are still in search of donations to cover the cost of the backhoe.  We bought it because it was SUCH a good deal.  We took a leap of faith!

 The kids got to hang out at our friend's birthday, Happy Birthday, Luca!

At the end of May, The Project had it's 3rd annual 5K/10K race!

Pretty good turn out!

Cooper got to go to work with Daddy!
 I also got to go to the States in May.  I went back to KY to see my students from Kentucky School for the Deaf graduate!  I got to spend time with friends and just hang out! It was nice
I also became a moose while in KY!
Got to spend time with this FRIEND!!

 There were lots more kids--but I lost them off my phone...sorry!
My "kids"

 And then on my way back to Costa Rica, I ran into Robert and Kristin in the Atlanta airport.  They were leading their youth team to Scotland for a 2 week mission trip.  What are the chances? God is soooo good!

Love these guys!! It was such a GOD thing!

Leyton- one of the FEW times you will see him smile while doing homework!

We left our intern, Savannah, at the bus stop--she looks at home there, right!

I finally got to hold the twins--Kenny and Lauren, our intern coordinators returned to Costa Rica.  I got this....(yeah, that is all I did....and I was just standing--WHEW!

For the first time since moving to Costa Rica in 2012, we had our first family visitors.  Bruce's brother and his wife, Angie (yes, 2 of us...but really 3 Angie's in the family! HA!) came for a visit.  They sent the first part of the trip in Uvita at Playa Ballena (Whale Tail Beach) and then came back to our house and stayed with us for the rest of their time. They invited us to stay the night with them at the hotel and then they drove back with us.

This was the road we took to get there.  It was curvy and mountainous--so pretty!

Why yes, that is a Tapir crossing sign!

The view from our balcony


The pool--Angie and I in the pool overlooking the spectacular view

We went to Playa Ballena (Whale Tail beach) and looked around and spent the time in the ocean looking for shells!  Beautiful!
The four of us on the beach!

The beach was HUGE and so secluded
We also checked out another beach--I can't remember the name, but a small but secluded place as well
The beach had a cove with two of these tunnels! It was fascinating watching the waves come in and out as the tide was going out--you wanted to swim through it, but I'm pretty sure I would have died! POWERFUL!

In the morning--I could get used to it!
The hotel--check it out!  Vista Ballena Hotel, Uvita, Costa Rica

The restaurant--overlooking the ocean

The passage way-everything is open with amazing views

The infinity pool
We checked out Playa Ballena which is a National Park.  We got there at the end of low tide, so we could walk out on the whale tail!

The tide out, so ocean waves on both sides while walking on the whale tail

The tide coming back in --FAST! it was so cool having waves on both sides while walking back to the main beach.

After our stay at the hotel, we came back to the house to see San Jose, the Abraham Project and just have some good ol' family fellowship time!

Emme and Aunt Angie bonding in the hammocks!

Uncle Randy and Leyton putting a puzzle together

Obligatory Costa Rican BBQ! YUM!!
Then we took them on a tour of Doka Coffee Plantation.

Angie with a Blue Morpho butterfly
On our way back home, we took the LONG way and it was very scenic! PRETTY coffee!

We had a wonderful finally sharing where we live and what we do here in Costa Rica!  We are so thankful for our time with Randy and Angie!  Hope they come back soon!

And I can recommend the hotel to anyone that is looking for true "get away"  The hotel sits about 1-2 kilometers up the mountain away from the hectic life below. A true disconnect!  BEAUTIFUL!!

My "adopted" kids, Joshua and Jordan

Emme got a 100% on her Social Studies test! She still amazes me!

Also, we had a major tragedy....we used up the TRUE VERMONT MAPLE SYRUP that was gifted to us.....BOOHOO!
In May we had some more volcano eruptions.  This is a picture of trash...but behind that is Irazú volcano, and behind that (can't see) is another volcano, Turrialba.  It started erupting and spewing ash all over Costa Rica.  It got pretty bad this time and there was a lot of problems with ash in our house and the kids' school.  But it settled down again, and we are "back to normal."  Until next time!

This is a professional picture (not mine) that was taken of the highest eruption of Turriabla.  It went up like 3-5 miles in the air!
Leyton's tooth that we had pulled by a dentist before we came to Costa Rica (2012) finally started to grow back in!  After almost 4 years of him walking around as a Snaggletooth, it finally made it's way back--and in the right place--and pretty straight!

The tooth coming back in! YAY!
And then a couple days later, he lost the other front tooth!

One of the papers I found in Leyton's backpack.  It says "Paper of love Ana (Waddell) and Leyton" His first love note--LORD help me!

And this was his FIRST attempt at writing in English.  He can read and write in Spanish, but still working on English.  Normally, he gives up because the sounds are different!  YAY!!!!
I celebrated my birthday on May 19th, the same day that we had a team AND Bruce was in the States.  So my kids loved on me for my birthday!
Emme cooked me dinner- omlet!

My birthday message!

My birthday kiss!
Also in May, we said goodbye to our intern, Savannah, after 3 perfectly long months with her!  She was such a life saver for us! Read more about her in our blog about HER!!

We had a surprise goodbye party for her with the teachers from the daycare.

With Tatiana

With Kenji

And this was me trying to have a chai tea without Savannah....Cooper just doesn't do it for me!

I can not substitute Cooper during  chai--raining--time

May was quite a busy month and we had a lot of fun!  A good time before we started busy season!

the crawfords