Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Shalom Christian Academy, PA

We closed out the 2017 team season with a Senior Class from Shalom Christian Academy in Pennsylvania.

It was a larger team of 30, but we had a lot of things to do!

Great kids and great relationships!

Check out their time with us!

The team's first night here included dinner at our house.
Bruce had to adjust the smoker to help with the smoke..

We filled up the whole garage--first time since having the lights installed!

Half of the group

The other half
The next day was first day at Project

We had half of the team in daycare and the other half was working.

One of the big jobs was painting the wall

Prepping the new fence for the daycare
Daycare workers were awesome!!!


The kids LOVED working with these students!

Working hard!

Everyone was involved!

This week we also taught the older kids how to play spoons
Learning the rules of Spoons!
On Sunday was church then afterwards, they had lunch and fellowship with the youth group at the church and lunch was shared! We had a BIG turnout!

So many people!
After lunch, the youth group from our church planned activities with the team! It was a GREAT time getting to know everyone!

Such a fun game!
Sunday night they went to cell group and got to hear an amazing testimony!

Full house!

Listening to the testimony and the singing
Our week included Peter working to get a stump out.  It was his challenge--no one else could help him.  On his last day, he did it!

Still working to get it out!

The team had another fun day--It is Shalom tradition to visit Irazú Volcano by each Senior class.  However, this class was blessed even more.  After all the rain that we have had this year, Irazú has water in the lake again! This is the first time since we have lived here for over 5 years.

Beautiful (acidic) lake!

That is the team up on the side of the volcano!

Team photo!

Obligatory superhero photo!
On Tuesday, the team went to La Carpio to a feeding ministry ran by Pastor James and his wife Cristina.  Always an amazing time!

The kids arriving

dancing, games and songs--then the team did activities with the kids!
Then after the team left, they left us with lots of donations! All washed and given away the next day!

This is pretty normal for each team we have! Such a blessing for those that need it!

Thanks Shalom for your love and work!

Happy Graduation in June! 


the crawfords

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