Thursday, November 29, 2018

May Fun!

Here is our life through photos.... ENJOY!

For Leyton's birthday, he got the World Cup sticker album! He was so excited!

A fun day out at the park for the kids and our friends.

A little too big for them, I think!

Bruce ran his first marathon in the San Jose Marathon.

Packet pick up--42K

The medals for the next 7 years

Crossing the finish line

The finish line--a MARATHONER!!

Family picture after the race
We also welcomed two teams during May.

Calvary Baptist Christian Academy, PA

In May, we welcomed one of our former interns for a couple of weeks before she left for a study abroad program in Argentina. We loved having Alyssa with us and we had a good time spending time with her!

Out for lunch!

A beautiful sunset....never miss a photo op!

The cathedral in Coronado, we took Alyssa to see it

To say the kids are going to miss Alyssa is an understatement

Leyton and Alyssa
One of the boys in the daycare was obsessed with the Rubik's cube. Natalia, our friend, knew that Bruce could solve it, so she had him come in and show Ian. Afterwards, Bruce gave him the Rubik's cube to practice!

Ian never moved the whole time Bruce was showing him how to do it--that is rare!

In May, I was surprised by one of the daycare class by a surprise of balloons and Happy birthday! It was so sweet!

My English class and my surprise birthday and balloons!
I also got to wake up on my birthday and watch the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle!

With my Harry and Meghan Teacup

I was there!!

While working on Phase 2, we had a torrential downpour and had flooding that caused problems for us on Phase 2 with the wall and the bodega. So we had to work fast to fix it before we lost too much of the dirt to erosion.

Bruce working hard!

The new river!
We also just got to do some fun stuff as a family!

We saw Irazú Volcano--clear and beautiful!

Me and the kids got to go zip lining with one of the teams

I saw the decal in the window and laughed. It is 0.0 running sticker! I totally get it!

In May we also had a Cowboy festival at our church. There was a lot of food and fun things to do!

Leyton got to ride on a horse!

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