Thursday, February 20, 2014

Joshua Expedition Team #2-California

On Valentine's Day, we hosted another  Joshua Expeditions team hailing from California. We had 38 staff and students from a Christian High School.  They were some workin' kids.  After having a red-eye flight and arriving in Costa Rica at 6 something in the morning, they ate breakfast and headed towards the Abraham Project. They worked hard all day!

They helped us move wood to the new bodega, helped us move large rock, small rock and sand for a treatment facility for a septic tank, dig a trench, wheelbarrow dirt from the trench, move some roof materials, and sand some metal bars.  We also let them play soccer and just take in the beauty around the project.  They were a really great team of hard working, respectable and downright good kids.  The director, Ms. Karen should be very proud of her students.

One of her students and his family blessed the Abraham Project with about 4 suitcases of donations--everything from clothing to thermometers and everything in between.  What a blessing it was! Thank you Brandon and your family!

What a great are a few pictures of their day!
Playing soccer after break

Moving wood to the new bodega on Phase 2

Moving the laminas to another location to access behind the bodega--and yes, those are medical gurneys

Here is the ditch they played in!

Castillo-one of the workers at the AP

Sanding and more sanding

These girls were bosses! Shoveling 190 wheelbarrows full of rock and sand!

Where everyone was working in the bodega

All we need is a roof--this is the future church

Pushing the wood up the hill

Digging, digging and more digging

Shoveling, shoveling and more shoveling.
Throughout the whole day, they were troopers!  I don't think I heard a grunt, groan or complaint from one of them...and I kept them motivated by saying, "just think, this time tomorrow, you will be white water rafting!"  I definitely think these kids deserved it!

Although it was not a normal Valentine's Day for Bruce and I, we couldn't have picked a better way to show love than to host a team and to do work, without grumbling, to grow The Kingdom!

Thanks Joshua Expeditions and the kids from California--you know who you are!

the crawfords

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Our Last Hurrah!

Well, the Friday before Emme started school, we decided to do one last hurrah before school started for her.  We decided to go back to Playa Herradura which is only about 1 1/2-2 hours away from us.  It is a cheap one day trip.  We only pay for gas, tolls and food!  A pretty good deal.  The beach is ok, not too rough for the kids and it is nice to get away!

Here are some pictures from our day!

Emme and Leyton playing in the sand

This is the lizard that came and stole the leftover hotdog on Leyton's plate.  Best part? It had ketchup on it and the lizard looked like it had red lipstick on!

Checking out the rocks and all the shrimp, fish and snails that live in the little pools

Running down the beach

Dirty kids--if anyone knows Leyton, this is a BIG DEAL for him!
Leyton holding a live starfish
This was the family that helped Emme catch her own starfish

All of the live starfish and sand dollars we caught (and let go later)

Running from the waves....never gets old!

Our site

The starfish I caught

The sand dollar I caught
This was the prettiest sand dollar--in Spanish they are called 'galletas' which means cookie/cracker

The red macaws in the tree--there are 4 of them

Bruce and I waiting on the sunset

So peaceful

Emme hanging out in a tree

Playa Herradura--one time I am going to walk to those islands
Emme catching the sun

Leyton catching the sun in a heart

Me! holding the sun

The sunset with color swapping

The moon over a coconut tree

It was a great time before Emme had to go to school and we got into the rhythm of teams for 2014.  We were able to watch the sunset, see different animals and get to explore the beach and play as a family.

We are truly blessed!

the crawfords

Monday, February 17, 2014

Southside Team, January 2014

Rio Azul

Well, 2014 teams have started.  Our second team of the year was from our home church, Southside Christian Church in Harrodsburg, KY.  There were a total of 11 men on this team (5 from our home church, 4 returning, and 6 first timers and new faces for us).  It was a great group of GUYS (there were no women for me [insert sad face here])!  It is always such a blessing to have people from our church, especially when they see our daily lives here.

The week was spent in Rio Azul which is a very marginal and poor area of San José.  It is about 10 minutes or so from us and it is up the mountain side....literally.
This is the view from the church

This is the end of the 'road' where the church is....careful when you play soccer!

The church is about 1/3 of the way up the mountain
The job the team was challenged with was building a Sunday school room.  Almost all of the work was done by hand--including moving all of the materials (because the delivery trucks could only get so close to the church), mixing concrete and mortar (with a small single load concrete mixer), problems with water, electricity...just to name a few of the challenges!  But they were workers! And they completed over 3/4 of the room.  If we would have had 1-2 more days, the room would have been finished.  But God did amazing work through these men and the church is one step closer to providing a place of learning, security and worship to these children:

The pastor told me that most of the parents of these boys are not Christians.  But these boys do come to church on Sunday.  And they showed up to help us build THEIR Sunday school room--how awesome! Pray that these boys continue on this path, because in this area, it is likely they will not.

The week included Rook and Wings night with Pastor Jorge--he LOVES Rook! And it was a time to sit down with the team and get to know them.  It was a GREAT night of fellowship, (smack talking) and good food!
Steve Thomas admiring the spread

Steve and Bruce in the kitchen!
Tables of Rook and talking....good night!

 The next day was church at the Abraham Project, lunch, then church in Rio Azul.  The evening was filled with birthday surprise celebration for Steve Thomas, our 'boss' and director of the childrens homes.  His wife and us did a good job, right Gigi!!??

We had lots of people, not enough food and GREAT fellowship honoring a great guy!
Then after two days of fun and fellowship, we cracked the whip and got the team to working!

Here is the basically the process of building in Costa Rica

Of course, rebar--and lots of it!

Then bending the rebar by hand to make the footers, headers, and columns

Paying a backhoe to dig out was a blessing, but it wasn't quite deep enough

So they got to do that by hand too

The rock and sand to make concrete

Getting all the handmade materials up the mountain side to the worksite--this too was a blessing

This is what it looked like from behind

The road up to Rio Azul posed a few (add exaggeration) to the travel to and from the church

Then unload all of it

And begin work--digging, mixing, wheelbarrowing, not dying....

Blocks delivered--blocks unloaded by hand and 4 of our very own from Southside--Johnny, Micah, Pappy and Bobby

These are the footers with all the rebar--Step 1

This is the church and the classroom area

Lots of talented wheelbarrowing in tight quarters

There are no child labor laws--for missionaries!

The wall starting to go up

Basically end of day 2 or 3
Mixing mortar by hand
And then taking a break
 We like to treat our teams nicely.......
We paid Bobby in pipas

We made Micah had a some odd pound block through a maze

And we make them wheelbarrow in tight places.....
......and crazy obstacle courses
And we make them carry 50lbs sack of concrete over akward corners and floating 'bridges'??

We work the old men until they fall asleep
 But HEY! who wouldn't want to come work with us!!  RIGHT??!!

Leyton inside the almost finished walls

What it takes to fill in the columns-wood, rebar, cement, buckets, strong backs and some ingenuity

Emme and Leyton sifting sand to get even finer sand for the mortar

Look at me--I'm a concrete wheelbarrow-emptying fool!

Tried to get this one....but to no avail

Kids got to play with the neighbor dogs

Bobby all dirty--but happy, happy, happy
 And this is where the team got after 5 days of intense work....

And then we send them on their way!

We had such a good time with the team, saw some friends, met some new ones, and worked really hard.  We were sad to see them go, but we know they will come back for more!

Thanks Southside Christian Church! ¡Los amamos mucho!

**Just so you know, not every team works this hard.  We have other options here at the Abraham Project that involve less strenuous work.  If you would like to be part of a team, please feel free to contact us!