Friday, January 10, 2014

Friends for a visit!

On Sunday, January 5th, we were blessed by a visit from friends Tim and Lisa LeDonne. But this was no ordinary visit--they were on a cruise and pulled into port in Limón, Costa Rica.  So, after much coordinating, we planned a day to drive down and pick them up and spend a day with them in Limón!  We were so excited!

We got to Limón about 8:30am and we were going to pick them up at 10 from the port exit.  So we decided to drive to look at the beach we had planned to go to.  It was only 10 minutes away!  A small man-made beach called Playa Bonita (It was man made because most of the coast in Limón is volcanic rock--not much beach!).

10am-we met up with Tim and Lisa--hugged and we were off!

We found the beach and started setting up tent--which Bruce made out of bamboo, rebar, rocks, rope and rebar.  Played in the ocean, grilled out on the beach and just sat and talked and took in the culture and food of Costa Rica.

We introduced them to pipas (young coconuts-you drink the juice out of them), Cafe Britt coffee drinks, Cafe Britt cookies and chocolate covered fruit and coffee beans, and Té rojo.  YUMMY!!!!!

We--Lisa and I--had a wonderful time playing in the ocean.  I think it was the strongest waves, rip current, etc. that I have ever experienced in my life!  All I have to say is thank goodness no one had a video camera!  It was too funny!

Although the weather wasn't the best-overcast, slight rain- it was warm and not miserably ridiculously hot, like normal.  It turned out to be a great day!

After the day at the beach, we went and had coffee near the Port and then said our goodbyes.  It was sad to say goodbye, but it was also such a blessing to share our lives with friends--to give them a taste of what our lives look like now.  The whole day was such a blessing in too many ways to even explain.

Thanks Tim and Lisa!! We love you!

So if you happen to be on a cruise that pulls into the Port of Limón--let us know! It is only about 3 hours away!

Here are a few pics of our awesome day:

Our shelter--only cost 846 colones or $1.85ish

The beach

Overcast, but perfect!

Lisa and I

MMMMM...Britt iced coffee

We almost had a family dog--this beach dog was soo sweet and was loving on Bruce....
Tim and Bruce--being Bruce

The good!
Friends and a day at the beach and coffee--nuthin' better!

Our drive home at night....driving through the rainforest--no street lights!

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