Sunday, November 18, 2012

Falling behind....

Ok, so if you have followed this blog at all, you know that I have not posted ANYTHING since October 4th.

There is a reason for this-- falling behind.....

Ok, so it is not the best excuse, but it is true.  These last 2 months have been tough.  Homesickness, holidays, rain and more rain, a lot of Spanish instruction, tests, depression, prejudices, loneliness, constant physical issues and just a whole lot of stress.

This is normal, but it doesn't feel normal when you are the one going through it.

Although we have made new friends at Language School, it makes you miss the friends back home.  And although your friends back home are willing to talk to you about these issues, sometimes they just don't understand--and the new friends here do, and can relate to the same issues.  That is comforting, but still hard.

I start things and then don't follow through: i.e. October--the month of Proverbs-our life in photos.  November- the month of thankfulness.  I start something with the desire to see it through to the end, and after I miss one day, I feel as a failure- and give up.... this is not so normal to me.  I usually miss things, but I typically pick right up, accept my mistake and keep going with the flow.  But now, I feel like if I have messed, missed something--what is the point? 

Ugh...these last two months have been hard.  I know that I should and AM thankful for many, many things.  EVEN BEING HERE IN COSTA RICA is a miracle in itself.  But of course, the support, the kids, the temper tantrums, the sheer EXHAUSTION, the disconnectedness, the not understanding anything, the feeling of not learning enough OR as fast as the person next to you, the constant reminder that we are not fully supported always creeps into my thankfulness and my every thought--and that just makes me feel like I am barely surviving everyday.  I feel like I am stressed to the max to even be able to enjoy this time with my kids or my family.

But then, I think that I AM here and God has provided everything we need--sure the money is going out faster than it is coming in, but we have not gone without food or clothing or shelter since we have been here.  And for that I PRAISE GOD EVERYDAY!!

So, I say all this to say, sorry.  Sorry for the lack of communication, sorry if you felt like you have not been appreciated.  Believe me, your support, thoughts, facebook messages, skype and facetime calls and above all your prayers are what get me though everyday--even if I don't respond, know that I appreciate every little effort made by each and everyone of you.

I will try to get caught up on everything that has happened in the last 2 months--but alas, don't expect me to complete everything--because I may let you down and me down all over again!  But I will try my best!

Thanks for your 'everything'!

In Him,
The Crawfords
Here is a funny picture to add to the end of that 'sad' feeling blog.  Me and the kids playing with the photobooth--we look like rats!  BAHAHAHA!!  This was before our Fall Harvest Party at school.  Emme was a cat, Leyton was Chacho--our neighbors dog, and I was a one horned, one eyed, flying purple people eater!  FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you!! Miss you guys much, God is good and He will give you grace for the day.
