Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mount Pisgah Church, GA

We welcomed a family team from Mt Pisgah Methodist Church in Atlanta. We love having this team come because they are really good friends and we love getting to hang out with them during the week!  And because we hang out so much--we forget to take this is just a snippet of what they did the week they were here!


The Mt Pisgah Team, ATL

They all worked hard on Phase 2

They did a lot of painting and prepping for the houses.

More painting

The team also worked on leveling the outside and inside of the houses getting the floor ready to pour the concrete. It was a lot of cleaning up and shoveling.

Proof that they worked!

Leveling the inside of the house

Digging a big hole--not sure.....

The team with the workers!

The team also worked in the daycare. All the kids really enjoyed all the activities they did.

The kids and their fruits of the spirit craft

The team also worked in La Carpio with Pastor James and Cristina. They helped serve the food and did dancing and crafts with the kids. It is always a good time there!

Doing activities with the kids
All of the team and kids working hard!

Everyone was having fun

 At the end of the day, Pastor James and Cristina presented the team with a gift. And then at the end of the day, Pastor Cristina shared with the group

The group with their gift of a banner with some of the kids' hand prints

Pastor Cristina sharing her heart with the team.
 On Sunday night, the team got to hang out at Eliel and Rode's house for cell group. It was a time of worship and praise.

Listening to testimonies

Worshiping together
Also while the team was here, we had a pretty big earthquake, a 6.3. I called to check on the team. Some of them woke up, but most slept through it!

The team went zipining in Arenal and to the Hot Springs afterwards. This is the only proof that they had fun!

The team getting ready to zipline!

We are so thankful for the friendship we have with Mt Pisgah. It is always such a blessing to get to catch up with them every year!

Thanks for reading!

the crawfords

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